Esthus, Unsolved
A magic greeting to you all, honoured Elmoreden habitants!!! My name is Kate. I've been playing Lineage 2 on valiant Esthus server (now it's Athebaldt+Esthus) since official RU servers were launched. The game is about fighting against hostile environment and even more hostile players. Mighty warriors and mages fight to death on battlefronts and all this time it is we who are standing behind them - light and dark masters of healing and enhancement of combat characteristics. As you may have guessed I'm a healer or a chanter, or a healchanter, or chanter-healer, mostly dark one. Combination of two most important professions in the game requires permanent concentration, wide knowledge about in-game mechanics and even knowledge of various "combat" professions. And I learn, I always do: how to play, how to heal, how to buff and debuff. That's why my cooking spellbook and magic sphere (sometimes very nasty) are always with me. From these inherited from my grand-grandma artefacts (played on freeshards in youth) I get all my knowledge and try to realize them. Besides, as I'm a book-keeper, I need to add new spells and magic schemes to it. The game for me is in touch with magic Elmoreden world, and I try to expand the boundaries of unknown, magical and exciting in this surprisingly interesting game.
1st Stage
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