

Gran Kain, Aro

Who said that Gods don't have to learn anything?! For example, Shillien had to learn dark magic after her exile. =)) For conquering Elmoreden it's needed to have dark magic on your finger tips and have a good plan =) A little about me now. My name is Alexandra. My first meeting with Lineage 2 occurred in 2011 on VanHolter server before the very start of Goddess of Destruction update. In about a year I had a long break and never came back... And then in 2014 I was invited to play new Lineage 2 Classic... I tried to resist first :) But I gave up in January 2015 and began to play on GranKain server. I've been having great time, chatting with very different and interesting people there till present day. =)

1st Stage