My name is Tatyana and I'm 23 years old. I guess my education and occupation aren't very interesting for you, so I'll just say that I study well, thanks to the game I learned how to be precise (send my best to the clan leader). Modest people do not say a lot about themselves and the smart ones say even less. But I need to write here something for at least 500 symbols, so ... I can tell about my dream - peace in the world (in russian there is one word for "peace" and "world" - ed. note). This dream has already come true if you think about our little world where we meet, chat and play. It's not always possible to meet each other in real life. There's always boundaries such as the lack of money, distance or even fear. But in Lineage 2 we are the ones we want to be, or the ones we actually are if we are content with ourselves. So Lineage 2 is our little common dream came true in some way. Thanks for this little world =)