Howdy! In the digital world my name is 0nky, and at work people call me Victoria Vladimirovna for some reason. Shillien with them! They know nothing, heretics. I first downloaded Lineage 2 when I was 16. Last month, when I was plundering dragon treasures and fighting for my clan, suddenly a birthday cake with number "24" on it appeared. I guess it was tasty. Maybe the one who bought it was thinking about his own stuff. Nevermind. Recently, there also appeared a guy. He calls himself "husband" for some reason. He looks badly at me. I can't figure out from where he appeared. Still, he is harmless, sometimes he brings tasty trophies and do not ask for adena, so I'll let him live. I'll finish my story at this point, as my companions need my healer talent. Hail to Elmoreden! Worth peace on Airin! Into the breach!