Kisses for everyone in this chat room! Studying in Lineage 2, what is it about? Is it about spells, steel clank or books? Actually, it isn’t. It's you who screw up, learning wrong skills. It's you who fall on the field, rejecting to follow the tactics. It's you who upsets young female elves with your swearing. And then, they reject to heal you, and your tree becomes flawed (this is what my photos are about), and your char is defective, he just can't crit, and your life is dust. Please, don't. A few words about myself? Well... I do not have an education in the humanities, but still I can use the grammar rules and most times even correctly. I think that's an achievement. What I want from the game is to annihilate everyone, especially enemy clan members, but first of all - my party leader. Sometimes, I even want to hit him with my leg. Oooh, silly man. So that's how I’m living and elfing. P.S. I give my best regards to everyone who hates me. I hate you too.