Hello everyone! My name is Elizabeth, more known as Silmarwen in game. I'm 20 and I'm from Spain, but I live in USA since a year ago. I started playing L2 at Core four years ago more or less. As you can see in the picture where I was catched learning about alchemy as an ertheia, I'm a big mess with everything I do! Anyway I always try to give my best at all. I fell in love with the world of Elmoreden at the right moment I played the game for the first time. Since then, spending my free time playing L2 is one of the things that I mostly enjoy. I also like animals, singing, drawing (even if I'm not good at all doing it) and sleeping, of course. I could say a lot of things more, but I will stop here. The last thing to say; don't let me do alchemy for you, it will surely be defective! Cheerio!