Cadmus, iZERG
Hello everyone! My name is Sergey and some of you may have heard about me as a Dark Elf Tyrr Titan named iZERG. I'm 25 years old and my experience in playing Lineage 2 is more than 5 years already. :)
I've walked down many roads in Elmoreden during these 5 years. I met a lot of interesting people there, met my soul mate, learned a lot. I was a constant party leader for about a year and it was the very place to gain not only in-game experience, but a real one. Organizing a group of people in such a way they can work together as a team is one of the skills I learned in Lineage 2.
Now I play on Cadmus server but this is not the only hobby I have. In my free time I do powerlifting.
In my contest work I wanted to show you that no matter how much you archieved you should always march ahead, never stop and always keep self-improving - it is never late to learn both in Lineage 2 and in real life.
1st Stage
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