

Gran Kain, Odeyalko

Hello everyone! I'm Mister Quacken! Just like Zaken, but Quacken. My general hobby is fishing and cooking fish stew. I'm eagerly studying to cook the most delicious brew for everybody in Elmoreden so that everyone could appreciate not only its taste, but also the effect of increasing the speed of studying in this hardcore world! Alongside with cooking I love healing my party mates. They say I am that kind of a bishop for whom "healing is easier than res". My secret dream is to become a hero, make a superhero delicious stew and provide a meal for everyone in Elmoreden. In real life aside from sleeping a lot and quacking, I stream, chat and show everybody that ducks can be cool not only on the table! I hope that thanks to you I will be able to prove it for everyone! Quaсk-quaсk!

1st Stage