

Gran Kain, SvetlyAngel

Hey everyone! My name is Alice and I have been playing Lineage 2 for more than 12 years. Most players know me in the game as missAlisa (Cadmus) and Alisa (Blackbird) and now I play on Gran Kain for the rarest class of these chronicles – Paladin with the nickname SvetlyAngel. I am also a clan leader of a united clan HolyWings (Hello guys!). As my character is a warrior, I also decided to appear in the role of a warrior and use Olympic bar as a pike. And now you ask me – Where are the books? My dear ones, studying in Elmoreden isn’t all about spellbooks! Tell me what you do between studying skills? Right, you level up! That’s why I also level up, and our today’s lesson is exercising! While in class of magic they study ancient scripts and decrypt Giants symbols, warriors sharpen their skills spending all days in the woods and afield improving their battlecraft … For such characteristics as CONSTITUTION, STRENGTH and DEXTERITY increase only for those who put a lot of time into leveling up! So level up and progress, a sound mind is in a sound body)!!!

2nd Stage

1st Stage